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Reading List & Film Recommendations

© Yiri Vanroy

Transatlantic Relations


“U.S. Relations with Germany” is a bilateral relations factsheet published by the U.S. Department of State, June 21, 2021.

“EU und Nordamerika” is a German article published by the German Federal Foreign Office and provides an overview of the history of transatlantic relations.

The “Transatlantic Barometer” by the Bertelsmann Foundation is a regularly updated, interactive multimedia site which provides its users with quick facts, visual representations, and reliable information on pressing transatlantic challenges. The site will spotlight trending transatlantic topics and find potential alignment between the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the European Union as well as its 27 member states. Access it here:

“RANGE” is a transatlantic forecasting platform by the Bertelsman Foundation focused on the key factors that will influence the transatlantic relationship. Access it here:

Recent Developments

The article “U.S.-German Relations on the Mend as New Leadership Takes Hold” focuses on the improvement of the diplomatic relations between the United States and Germany since the election of President Joe Biden and the departure of former President Donald Trump. Published by Pew Research Center on November 22, 2021. Read more

The document “The European Parliament and the Conference on the Future of Europe” offers an overview of the Conference on the Future of Europe and its role in shaping the future of the European Union. Published by European Parliament in November 2021.

The article “Five Years on, the Migrant Crisis Continues to Haunt Europe” discusses the consequences of a potential reelection of Donald Trump for transatlantic relations. Published by Carnegie Europe on February 4, 2022.

The German article “Ende des transatlantischen Honeymoons” discusses the current state of the migrant crisis in Europe and the need for a common EU migration policy. Published by Tagesspiegel on August 3, 2023.

The German column “Reiches Amerika, armes Europa” discusses the economic situation in both the U.S. and Europe Published by Zeit Online on July 24, 2023.



Facts about Germany is an online platform created and published by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany to provide information about Germany to a global audience. The website is updated regularly to reflect the latest developments and statistics about Germany.


Germany before WWI

The video “The German Unification & Otto von Bismarck: the Iron Chancellor” provides an overview of the events leading up to the unification of Germany in 1871. It also discusses the role of Otto von Bismarck in the unification process and his legacy in German history. Published by Complexly on August 23, 2012.

The guide “The Unification of Germany” focuses on the events leading up to the unification of Germany in 1871 and the impact it had on Germany and Europe. Published by BBC and updated constantly.

The article “Politics, 1890-1914” provides an overview of the political developments in Germany during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Published by Encyclopaedia Britannica and updated constantly.

German Colonialism

The website “Archivführer Kolonialzeit” features a database of archival materials related to Germany’s colonial history, including photographs, documents, and maps. Published by Federal Archives of Germany and updated regularly.

The article “How seriously is Germany taking its colonial history?” discusses the ongoing debate in Germany about the country’s colonial past and its legacy. Published by Deutsche Welle on May 7, 2021.

The video “The blind spot of Germany’s dark history” provides an in-depth look at Germany’s colonial past and its impact on the colonized countries. Published by Deutsche Welle on February 4, 2021.

The Documentary “German Colonialism in Namibia” explores the history of German colonization in Namibia, including the atrocities committed against the indigenous people. Published by ARTE on December 6, 2022.

World War I

The Road to World War I This video discusses the concept of imperialism and its causes and effects, with a focus on European colonialism in the 19th century as well as the tensions and rivalries among European powers that led to World War I. Published by Crash Course World History on October 11, 2012.

The video “World War I” covers the political, economic, and social factors that led to the outbreak of war in 1914, including the complex web of alliances and the arms race between major powers. Published by Crash Course World History on June 23, 2014.

The video “Interwar Years” discusses the political and social changes in Europe and around the world following World War I, including the rise of fascist and communist ideologies, and the lead-up to World War II. Published by Crash Course World History on July 7, 2014.

The Weimar Republic

The article “Germany: 1918-1929 – The Weimar Republic” provides an overview of the Weimar Republic, the government of Germany between 1919 and 1933, covering its formation, political and economic struggles, cultural developments, and eventual downfall. Published by BBC in 2018.

The article “Germany: 1929-1947 – The Rise of Hitler and the Nazis” explores the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party in Germany during the 1920s and 1930s, including the reasons for their popularity, the key events leading to their accession to power, and their policies and actions during World War II. Published by BBC in 2018.

Nazi Germany

The webpage “Timeline of Events” provides a chronological overview of the major events that occurred in Nazi Germany before, during, and after the Holocaust. Published by United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, updated 2021.

The guide “Hitler into Power, 1929-1934” provides an overview of the reasons of Hitler’s rise to power including the impact of the Depression, the weaknesses of Weimar democracy, and the strengths of the Nazi party. Published by BBC

The guide “Life in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939” examines the Nazi dictatorship in Germany during the period from 1933 to 1939, including the consolidation of Nazi power and the policies implemented by the regime, such as the persecution of Jews and the annexation of Austria. Published by the BBC.

World War II

The guide “World War II and Germany, 1939-1945” provides an overview of the outbreak of the Second World War and its aftermath, opposition against Nazi Germany, the “Final Solution,” and Germany’s defeat. Published by the BBC and updated regularly.

The video “World War II” examines how the war in Europe progressed, from the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and the invasion of Poland to the Western and Eastern fronts, to V-Day and the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Published by Crash Course on March 17, 2020.

The Cold War

This overview “A Brief History of the Cold War” presents a concise timeline of the major events of the Cold War, including significant political and military developments. Published by Spiegel on August 20, 2008.

The video “Post-War Rebuilding and the Cold War” provides an overview of the power structures after World War II and the emergence of two nuclear superpowers as the world entered the Cold War. Published by Crash Course on April 21, 2020.

The video “Post-World War II Recovery” examines how the various countries and blocs approached the problem of rebuilding their infrastructure and helping their residents recover as well as the Marshall Plan and the various treaties that led to the modern-day European Union. Published by Crash Course on May 6, 2020.

In the video “The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall”, historian Konrad H. Jarausch talks about the historic events which led to the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall. Published by TED-Ed on August 16, 2017.

The video “The mistake that toppled the Berlin Wall” examines the memorable moments of the fall of the Berlin Wall as well as the mistake that actually led to the crumbling of it. Published by Vox on November 8, 2019.

German Reunification

“30 years of reunification” is a collection of different articles on the reunification of Germany and its impact on Germany and its citizens. Published by the Goethe-Institute.

The video “The Soviet Bloc Unwinds” covers the labor strikes of Poland, the dissident punks of East Germany, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the breakup of the Soviet Union. Published by Crash Course on June 30, 2020.

The article “The Baseball Bat Years” discusses the rise of neo-Nazi groups in eastern Germany and the challenges of combating their ideology. Published by Zeit Online on November 7, 2019.

The article “‘Germany looks like it’s still divided: stark gap persists 30 years after reunification” discusses the ongoing economic and social disparities between eastern and western Germany, 30 years after reunification. Published by The Guardian on September 16, 2020.

The Political System


This FAQ “The German political and electoral system: how does it work?” provides answers to frequently asked questions about the German federal elections, including information on the parties, the voting system, and key issues in the campaign. Published by Heinrich Böll Stiftung Brussels on September 14, 2021.

The article “The Political and Electoral System of Germany” provides an overview of the German political and electoral system, including information on the federal structure, the role of political parties, and the voting process. Published by the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies on July 12, 2021.

The article “A Brief Analysis of the German federal elections 2021” provides an analysis of the results of the 2021 German federal election, including information on the party vote shares, the new government coalition, and key issues facing the country. Published by Heinrich Böll Stiftung on September 29, 2021.


Overview (Positions of some Chairpersons and Parliamentary Group Leaders are outdated)

The article “A look at Germany’s political parties” gives a brief overview of the major political parties in Germany, including their history, ideologies, and current positions on key issues. Published by Deutsche Welle on May 05, 2021.

Germany’s Political Spectrum

The article “What right and left mean in the German election” discusses the evolving definitions of left and right in the German political context. Published by Deutsche Welle on September 08, 2021.

Legal Framework

The topic page “Political Parties” published on the website of the Federal Returning Officer provides an overview of the legal bases that parties have as well as their tasks and functions.

Political Campaigning in Germany

The video “How German political parties finance their election campaigns” examines Germany’s party-financing system and its loopholes. Published by Deutsche Welle on September 12, 2021.


The article “What explains the destabilisation of the German party system?” discusses the factors contributing to the fragmentation of the German party system, including the rise of new parties, changing voter preferences, and the increasing influence of social media. Published by EUROPP on October 28, 2021.

Rise of the AfD

The article “5 Reasons for the Far-Right Rising in Germany” explores the factors behind the rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in Germany, including the impact of the refugee crisis, the erosion of traditional party loyalties, and the changing media landscape. Published by Süddeutsche Zeitung on December 22, 2017.

The article “Bikinis, Blondes, and Burkas: Gender and Islam in the German Far Right” examine how far right parties in Germany whip up a sense of emergency and danger around the issue of immigration and dictate what it means to be a true German. Published by Harvard University on November 16, 2018.

The video “How the Far Right Is Shaking Germany’s Political Order” examines the consequences of the far-right’s rise for Germany’s political order. Published by the New York Times on October 31, 2018.

The article “Why Is the Right Wing So Strong in Eastern Germany?” offers an in-depth analysis of the factors that have contributed to the rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in Eastern Germany, including economic grievances, demographic changes, and the legacy of the region’s socialist past. Published by The Spiegel on October 1, 2021

The Executive

Structure and Tasks The article “Chancellor – Structure and tasks” provides an overview of the role and responsibilities of the Chancellor in the German political system as well as the institutional framework within which the Chancellor operates. Published by the German Federal Government.

Federal Cabinet The following is an overview of the composition and functions of the Federal Cabinet published on the official website of the German Federal Government.

Federal Ministries The following provides an overview of the various ministries that make up the Federal Government of Germany, including their responsibilities and the key policy areas they oversee published by the German Federal Government.


The article “What you need to know about Olaf Scholz, the new German chancellor” is a profile of Olaf Scholz and provides information on his political career, personal life, and his plans for Germany as the head of government. Published by The Washington Post on September 27, 2021.

The article “Scholz marks turbulent first year as German chancellor” discusses the first year of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s tenure and how he has navigated various crises during this time. Published by The Local Germany on December 4, 2022.

The article “Most Germans dissatisfied with Scholz govt: survey” reports on a poll conducted in Germany which found that a majority of Germans are dissatisfied with the performance of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government and looks at the reasons behind this dissatisfaction. Published by Deutsche Welle on October 26, 2022.

The Merkel Era

The article “What is the legacy of the Angela Merkel era?” examines the legacy of Angela Merkel, the former Chancellor of Germany, as she steps down from politics after 16 years in power. Published by The Guardian on September 26, 2021

The Legislative

The Bundestag (Federal Parliament)

Function & Role This website published by the German Bundestag provides information about the functions and powers of the German Bundestag, which is the federal parliament of Germany.

History On this website, the publisher German Bundestag provides a brief history of parliamentary democracy in Germany, from the Weimar Republic to the present day.

Germany’s Traffic Light Coalition The article “German government marks anniversary: A year in crisis mode” discusses the performance of the Social Democrats, Greens, and Free Democrats in their first year of Germany’s coalition government. Published by Deutsche Welle on March 16, 2021.

The Bundesrat (Federal Council)

Roles and functions A short video titled “The Bundesrat – remit, composition, working method – briefly explained” which explains what the Bundesrat is and how it works. Published by the Bundesrat on September 5, 2018.

This webpage published by the German Bundesrat provides information on the functions of the Federal Council of Germany.;jsessionid=1841CDD2DAA41F3F0FA8FB27F9AB904D.2_cid391

The Judiciary

Organization of the Judicial System

This website published by the European Judicial Network provides an overview of the organization of the judicial system in Germany.

The Federal Constitutional Court

This website published by The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany provides information about the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, its structure, and its role in safeguarding the basic rights and freedoms of German citizens.;jsessionid=184D70BA52CA9E94B0E5F130BEEEFBBE.1_cid507

Foreign and Security Policy


The following is the website of German Federal Office which provides an overview of Germany’s foreign policy principles and offers information on Germany’s relations with other countries and regions, as well as its involvement in international organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union.

Germany’s National Security Strategy

The article “A New Strategy for NATO and Germany” provides an analysis of Germany’s evolving role within NATO and its efforts to develop a new strategic concept for the alliance. Published by The Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg.


The following article “The Global Zeitenwende” is written by Olaf Scholz, the Chancellor of Germany, in which he outlines his vision for Germany’s foreign policy and its role in global affairs. Published by Foreign Affairs on December 5, 2022.

The article “German defense state secretary: What ‘Zeitenwende’ really means” features a discussion with Deputy Defense Secretary Benedikt Zimmer on the meaning of “Zeitenwende.” Published by The Atlantic Council on January 19, 2022.

The article “The Ukraine war and Germany’s paradigm shift” analyzes the impact of the Ukraine War on Germany’s foreign policy and national security strategy. Published by Deutsche Welle on August 24, 2022.

In the following article former German Ambassador to the U.S., Emily Haber, discusses the impact of the ongoing war in Ukraine on the transatlantic relationship. Published by the Washington Post on December 5, 2022.

This survey titled “Actually European!? 2022” reports on citizens’ expectations towards German EU policy in light of the “Zeitenwende.” Published by Heinrich Böll Foundation European Union and The Progressive Center in May 2022.



The website “Economic Key Facts about Germany” is published by KPMG and provides regularly updated information on Germany’s economy.

Social Market Economy

The article “70 years of social market economy” provides an overview of Germany’s social market economy, including its history and principles. Published by on May 22, 2020.

The article “The social market economy at 70” explores the question of whether Germany’s social market economy system can continue to thrive in the face of modern challenges. Published by Deutsche Welle on October 15, 2019.

The article “Germany’s anti-social market economy” takes a critical look at Germany’s social market economy system and examines its negative effects. Published by International Politics and Society Magazine on June 20, 2018.



This website Media Landscapes provides an overview of the media landscape in Germany, including information on the country’s press, broadcast, and online media. Published by European Journalism Center and updated regularly.

Public Broadcasting System

The article “Germany’s complex public broadcasting system” provides an overview of Germany’s public broadcasting system and discusses the structure and programming of the system, as well as its role in German society. Published by Deutsche Welle on August 16, 2022.

The article “Diversity is its mandate” provides an overview of the role of public service broadcasting in shaping public opinion in Germany and discusses its impact on the country’s political and cultural landscape. Published by

Freedom of Press

The website “Reporters without borders” provides information on the press freedom in different countries. Down below, you will find an overview of press freedom in Germany as well as a ranking of the country’s press freedom status. Published by Reporters without Borders and updated regularly.

Trust & Polarization

The article “News Media and Political Attitudes in Germany” examines the relationship between news media consumption and political attitudes in Germany. Published by Pew Research Center on May 17, 2018.


History of Migration

The article “Historical and Current Development of Migration to and from Germany” provides a historical and current overview of migration to and from Germany. Published by Federal Agency for Civic Education on January 11, 2018.

This website provides a timeline of migration to Germany, spanning from the Roman Empire to the present day. Published by the Virtual Migration Museum.

The following link leads to an essay titled “Migration History in Germany” which discusses the different waves of migration to Germany, as well as the experiences and challenges faced by migrants and their descendants. Published by Documentation Center and Museum of Migration in Germany.

German “Guest Workers“

The article “Germany Neglected My Parents” examines the experiences of descendants of guest workers who came to Germany in the 1950s and 60s. Published by Die Zeit on November 21, 2019.

The article “Turkish guest workers transformed German society” examines the role of Turkish guest workers in transforming German society and discusses the experiences of these workers and their families as well as their impact on German culture and society. Published by Deutsche Welle on October 30, 2011.

Current Migration Policies

The article “Asylum and migration policy, Traffic Light coalition-style” discusses the current state of migration and asylum policy in the EU, focusing on the new “Asylum and Migration Traffic Light” system proposed by the European Commission. Published by Heinrich-Böll Stiftung European Union on December 16, 2021.

The article “Ferhat should have not died in vain” discusses a new education campaign launched in memory of Ferhat Unvar, a victim of the 2020 Hanau attack, aimed at combating racism and discrimination in German society. Published by Die Zeit Campus on February 19, 2022.

Dual Citizenship

The article “Germany’s dual citizenship reforms ‘way overdue’” discusses proposed reforms to Germany’s citizenship laws. Published by Deutsche Welle on December 05, 2022.

The article “The key points of Germany’s draft law on dual citizenship” summarizes the key points of a draft law on citizenship and dual nationality in Germany. Published by The Local Germany on January 14, 2023.

Recommendation: The Virtual Migration Museum: The Virtual Exhibitions tell the story of migration in 3D. Visitors can move through a fictional urban landscape where they can enter and explore different buildings, each with a unique theme. In these buildings, the visitor can learn more about a range of topics, including work, culture, and education. You can download The Virtual Migration Museum here:



This website provides an overview of the German healthcare system and is published by The Commonwealth Fund.

The video “How Germany’s Universal Health-Care System Works,” published by CNBC on November 24, 2019, explains how Germany’s health care system works and discusses its advantages and disadvantages.

Could Germany’s Health Care System Be a Model For The U.S.?

The article “Is Germany’s health care system a model for the U.S.?” compares the German and American healthcare systems, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each. Published by NBC News on June 30, 2019.



The video “The German School System” provides an overview of the German school system, including its structure, curriculum, and testing. Published by Deutsche Welle on February 16, 2022.

The following website is published by The Federal Government Commissioner on Migration and provides information for parents and students on the German school system.

Criticism of the German Education System

The article “German school system still holds back children of migrants, experts say” discusses the issue of inequality in the German school system. Published by Euractiv, on March 29, 2021.

The article “’Germany’s School System Is an Anachronism’” reports on criticism of the German school system by education experts, who argue that it is outdated and perpetuates social inequality. Published by Der Spiegel on March 22, 2008.



The article “Youth climate movement drives public debate about policy” reports on the role of the youth climate movement in pushing for stronger climate action in Germany. Published by Clean Energy Wire on December 22, 2022.

The article “Climate Activists Find a Way to Get Germany’s Attention: Stop Traffic” discusses extreme tactics that have pushed the climate crisis to the top of the public discourse but also stirred debate over whether the activists are going too far. Published by The New York Times on January 2, 2023.

Fridays For Future Movement

The article “Fridays for Future: Here to Stay” discusses the impact of the Fridays for Future movement on the climate change debate in Germany and around the world. Published by up2date in April 2021.

The article “FFF protests call for peace, climate justice” reports on Fridays for Future protests in Germany and their demands for climate justice and peace. Published by Deutsche Welle on March 25, 2022.

The United States


This page on Encyclopaedia Britannica provides an overview of the United States, covering its geography, history, economy, and culture. It is continuously updated.



The resource “U.S. History Primary Source Timeline” from the Library of Congress offers a primary-source timeline of United States history, featuring documents, images, and other materials that provide insight into key events and developments throughout the nation’s history.

This website titled “History of the United States” presents a visual overview of the history of the United States through interactive maps and timelines.

Racism and Racial Injustice

The article “Racial Justice” by the Equal Justice Initiative provides an overview through texts and video material of the systems of racism from the Transatlantic Slave Trade of 1501 onwards. Access it here:

Alabama State University professor Maurice Robinson writes in the article “Transportation and Civil Rights in Montgomery Alabama, 1950 – 1970” about the activism that sparked that sparked the early Civil Rights Movement and where it lead from there. Access it here:  https://Transportation-and-Civil-Rights-in-Montgomery-Alabama-Chapter.pdf

The Political System


The page “Presidential Elections and the American Political System” published by the U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Denmark provides information about presidential elections and the American political system.

The article titled “How does the US political system work” published by the BBC provides an educational overview of the U.S. government and political system.

Political Parties and Elections

The resource “Political Parties” from the Library of Congress offers information about political parties in the United States, including their history, organization, and role in the electoral process.

The German article “So wird der US-Präsident gewählt” from Die Zeit discusses the U.S. election system, including the presidential election process and the role of political parties. It was published on January 2, 2024 in German.

The article “Why do we need political parties?” by Protect Democracy discussed the importance of political parties and parties in a democracy. It was published April 19, 2024:

The article “How does Campaign Funding Work?” by the Caltech Institut explains the relationship money has in elections. It also guides to the Federal Elections Commission website, where you can access campaign finance data. Access it here:  

FiveThirtyEight by abc news tracks the election cycle with statistics, info graphics, news stories, podcasts and video content. You can find it here:

Branches of Government

This webpage titled “Branches of the U.S. government” on provides information about the three branches of the U.S. government: the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

The FAQ article “So funktionieren Repräsentantenhaus und Senat” from Die Zeit answers common questions about the U.S. Congress, including its structure, powers, and functions. It was published on February 9, 2024 in German.

Checks and Balances

The article “Checks and Balances” on the History Channel’s website explores the concept of checks and balances in the U.S. government.

The article “Trump Declares a National Emergency, and Provokes a Constitutional Clash” from The New York Times was published on February 15, 2019 and discusses a national emergency declaration made by President Trump. It examines the legal and political implications of the declaration and its potential impact on the balance of power between the executive and legislative branches.

The article “Noch mal gerade so die Demokratie gerettet” from Die Zeit discusses a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court and its implications for the balance of power within the U.S. government. It was published on June 28, 2023 and provides analysis on the role of the judiciary in American politics.

Foreign and Security policy


This webpage titled “The Development of Foreign Policy” was published by the U.S. Department of State and offers a short history of the development of Foreign Policy.

The educational resource “U.S. Foreign Policy: The Americas” from the Council on Foreign Relations explores U.S. foreign policy in the Americas.

History and Development

The webpage “Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations” from the U.S. Department of State’s Office of the Historian discusses key milestones in U.S. foreign relations.

Human Rights and US Foreign Relations

The article “Human Rights and US Foreign Relations” written by Sarah B. Snyder examines the intersection of human rights and U.S. foreign relations. It was published by Oxford Research Encyclopedias on May 9, 2016.



The article “Is the United States a Market Economy or a Mixed Economy?” published by Investopedia provides an overview of the economic system of the US. It was last updated by April 24, 2024.

Economic Transformation

The Atlantic article “Why America Abandoned the Greatest Economy in History” focuses on the historic transformation of the American economy since the New Deal era, explaining it through societal and political shifts. It was published on November 25, 2023.

The change in American society due to economic changes is very well depicted in a CNBC video analysis “Why a $100,000 Salary Can’t Buy The American Dream.” It was published on April 25, 2024.

The NPR podcast episode “Is capitalism in its flop era?!” discusses the downfalls of a capitalist society, highlighting labor rights and the union movement. It was published on September 15, 2023.


The role of taxes is very highly debated in the United States. This Pew Research Center survey “7 facts about Americans and taxes” gives an overview on these different standpoints from the middle of the American society. It was published on April 9, 2024.


The biggest economy in the world counts on its entrepreneurs, an entrepreneurship culture that is hard to find elsewhere. The article “American entrepreneurship is on the rise” by The Washington Post looks at this phenomenon post Covid recession. It was published on September 14, 2023.



The BBC article “United States media guide” was published on June 20, 2023, and provides an overview of the different media outlets in the US.

The fact sheet “News Platform Fact Sheet” from the Pew Research Center published on November 15, 2023, provides an overview of news platforms in the United States.

The fact sheet “Social Media and News Fact Sheet from the Pew Research Center published on November 15, 2023, explores the relationship between social media and news consumption.

The fact sheet “Public Broadcasting Fact Sheet” from the Pew Research Center published on August 1, 2023, examines the role of public broadcasting in the United States.

This webpage “Achieving the dream” published by Austin Community College discusses the concept of media and its role in society.

Media Bias

The research paper titled “Media, Public Opinion, and Foreign Policy in the Age of Social Media” examines the role of media in shaping public opinion and influencing foreign policy, particularly in the age of social media. It was written by Matthew Baum and Philip B.K. Potter and published in The Journal of Politics in March, 2019.

The article “A systematic review on media bias detection: What is media bias, how it is expressed, and how to detect it” written by F.-J. Rodrigo-Ginés, J. Carrillo-de-Albornoz, L. Plaza discusses media bias and methods of detection. It was published by Elsevier Ltd in March 2024.

Media Ownership

This webpage presents the U.S. Media Index, a research project by Harvard University exploring trends and challenges facing the media industry in the United States.

The article “The U.S. Media’s Problems Are Much Bigger than Fake News and Filter Bubbles” from the Harvard Business Review discusses challenges facing the U.S. media beyond fake news and filter bubbles. It was published on January 5, 2017.



The article “Key findings about U.S. immigrants” from the Pew Research Center provides insights into immigrant demographics, characteristics, and trends based on Pew Research Center data. It was written by Abby Budiman and published on August 20, 2020.

The report “Understanding the U.S. Immigrant Experience: The 2023 KFF-LA Times Survey of Immigrants Findings” published by the Kaiser Family Foundation on September 17, 2023, offers insights into immigrants’ experiences, attitudes, and perspectives on various issues related to life in the United States.

The CNN article “Where immigrants come from and where they go after reaching the US,” written by Catherine E. Shoichet, discusses recent data on the countries of origin for immigrants to the United States. It was published on April 15, 2023, and provides analysis and insights into immigration patterns and trends based on demographic data.

History of Immigration

The webpage “U.S. Immigration Timeline” published on December 21, 2018, by the History Channel’s website provides a timeline of immigration to the United States. It covers key events and milestones in U.S. immigration history, tracing the country’s immigration policy and demographic changes over time.

The article “How U.S. Immigration Laws and Rules Have Changed Through History” published by the Pew Research Center on September 30, 2015, examines how U.S. immigration laws and rules have evolved throughout history.

Current Policies and Debate

The article “Key facts about U.S. immigration policies and Biden’s proposed changes,” published by the Pew Research Center on January 11, 2022, presents key facts about U.S. immigration policies and proposed changes under the Biden administration. It was written by Jens Manuel Krogstad and Ana Gonzalez-Barrera.

The article “Over Decades, Congress Failed Repeatedly to Address Immigration Dysfunction” written by Karoun Demirjian provides analysis and insights into legislative proposals and debates surrounding immigration policy in the United States. It was published by The New York Times on May 14, 2023.

The article “Trump Again Vows Mass Deportations and Won’t Rule Out Political Violence” written by Michael Gold provides coverage and analysis of political rhetoric surrounding immigration issues in the context of Trump’s election campaign. It was published by The New York Times on April 30, 2024.

The article “House Passes Migrant Detention Bill, Denouncing Biden Border Policies” written by Annie Karni provides analysis and insights into the content and implications of the legislation for immigration policy in the United States. It was published by The New York Times on March 7, 2024.



The video “The Healthcare System of the United States” from the channel “Healthcare Triage” explains how the U.S. healthcare system works. The video was published on February 17, 2014.

The video “US Healthcare System Explained” published by the channel “The Infographics Show” on September 9, 2018, explains the U.S. healthcare system.

The webpage “US Healthcare System Overview” published by the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) provides an overview of the U.S. healthcare system, including its background, structure, and key features.

Issues of the US Healthcare System

The article “Is our healthcare system broken?” written by Robert H. Shmerling discusses issues such as access to care, quality of care, and healthcare costs, offering insights into the challenges facing the system. It was published on July 13, 2021, by Harvard Health Publishing.

The article “American Health Care Is Broken. Major Hospitals Need to Be Part of the Solution” written by Donald M. Berwick and Michelle A. Williams discusses the challenges facing the U.S. healthcare system and explores solutions being proposed by major hospitals. It was published by Time on May 24, 2023.

The video “Why Medical Bills In The U.S. Are Out Of Control,” published by CNBC on April 12, 2022, examines factors contributing to rising healthcare costs and discusses the impact on patients, providers, and the healthcare system as a whole.

The article “Americans’ Challenges with Health Care Costs” written by Lunna Lopes, Alex Montero, Marley Presiado, and Liz Hamel provides data and analysis on issues such as affordability, insurance coverage, and out-of-pocket expenses, shedding light on the financial burdens of healthcare in the United States. It was published by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) on March 1, 2024.



The page “An Overview of Education in the United States” published by The University of Minnesota provides an overview of the education system in the United States. It covers key aspects such as the structure of the education system, funding sources, and issues facing education in the U.S.


In the video “Why The Education System Is Failing America” published on August 21, 2022, on Youtube by CNBC, the news outlet explores if why the education system in the U.S. is struggling by taking a hard look at the Common Core, teacher’s salaries, and sex education.

The opinion piece “Why K-12 education’s alarming decline could be a dominant 2024 issue” written by George F. Will discusses education as a campaign issue in the United States. It examines the decline in education quality and funding, highlighting its importance in political discourse and policymaking. It was published by The Washington Post on June 28, 2023.

The article “US public schools get a D+ for poor conditions,” written by Christina Zdanowicz and Holly Yan, sheds light on the challenges facing the education system and the impact on students and communities. It was published by CNN on September 18, 2022.

The article “Education Deserts” written by Elin Johnson discusses access to higher education in the United States, focusing on disparities between urban and rural areas. It examines factors contributing to uneven access and explores potential implications for educational equity and workforce development. It was published by Inside Higher Ed on December 19, 2019.


Impact of Climate Change

The webpage “Impacts of Climate Change,” published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, provides information about the impacts of climate change and covers various aspects such as extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and impacts on human health and ecosystems.

The article “What Are the Effects of Climate Change?,” written by Courtney Lindwall, discusses the effects of climate change, with a focus on impacts on agriculture. It was published by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) on October 24, 2022.

The article “Effects of climate change worsening in every part of the US, report says,” written by Stephanie Ebbs, Julia Jacobo, Kelly Livingston, Daniel Manzo, and Daniel Peck, discusses how the effects of climate change are worsening in certain parts of the United States, based on a report. It was published by ABC News on November 14, 2023.

Climate movement

The report “Climate engagement and activism” by Alec Tyson, Brian Kennedy and Cary Funk examines climate engagement and activism in the United States. It provides data and analysis on public attitudes toward climate change, activism trends, and levels of engagement in climate-related issues. It was published by the Pew Research Center on May 26, 2021.

The article “The Environmental Justice Movement” published by Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) on August 22, 2023, explores the environmental justice movement in the United States. It discusses efforts to address environmental inequalities and advocate for equitable environmental policies and practices.

The article “How American Environmentalism Failed,” written by William Shutkin and published by the MIT Press Reader, reflects on the failures of American environmentalism in addressing pressing environmental challenges. It examines systemic issues within the environmental movement and suggests areas for improvement and reform.

The European Union


The website is published by the European Union and introduces its institutions and bodies.

The video “Where Does the EU Get its Power From? (& How it Passes Laws)” discusses where the EU gets its powers from and how the EU is able to pass laws. Published by TLDR News EU on February 13, 2020.

The video “How does the EU work (and why is it so complex)?” breaks down everything you need to know about how the EU works and why it’s so complicated. Published by Deutsche Welle on May 17, 2019.

The European Parliament

The video “What Does the EU Parliament Actually Do?” discusses the roles and functions of the European Parliament. Published by TLDR News EU on May 24, 2019.

Political Grouping within the EU Parliament

The video “EVERY EU Political Grouping Explained: What Do They Stand For” outlines the requirements for groupings to become official within the EU, and what each of the current seven stand for. Published by TLDR News EU on September 13, 2021.

The European Commission

The video “The European Commission Explained” breaks down what the European Commission is, what it does, and how it’s elected. Published by TLDR News EU on March 8, 2020.

The Council of Europe

The video “The Council of Europe (Not the EU): Europe’s Most Confusing Grouping” explains who’s in the council, what its role is, and why it’s not actually the European Union. Published by TLDR News EU on October 8, 2020.


Movies & TV

All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)

This movie tells the gripping story of a young German soldier on the Western Front of World War I. Paul and his comrades experience first-hand how the initial euphoria of war turns into desperation and fear as they fight for their lives, and each other, in the trenches. The film from director Edward Berger is based on the world-renowned bestseller of the same name by Erich Maria Remarque.

Babylon Berlin (Series: 2017 – present)

This TV series portrays the Berlin of the 1920s. Speculation and inflation are already tearing away at the foundations of the still young Weimar Republic. Growing poverty and unemployment stand in stark contrast to the indulgence of the city’s night life and its overflowing creative energy. Gereon Rath, a young police inspector from Cologne, is transferred to Berlin in order to solve a criminal case – a porn ring run by the Berlin Mafia. What at first glance appears to be simply a matter of extortion soon reveals itself to be a scandal that will forever change the lives of both Gereon and his closest associates.

Das Boot (1981)

Das Boot is a 1981 German war film written and directed by Wolfgang Petersen. An adaptation of Lothar-Günther Buchheim’s 1973 German novel of the same name. A German submarine hunts allied ships during the Second World War, but it soon becomes the hunted. The crew tries to survive below the surface, while stretching both the boat and themselves to their limits.

Bridge of Spies (2015)

This film explores the Cold War, the U2 incident, the Berlin Wall, and constitutional issues of major importance. During the Cold War, an American lawyer is recruited to defend an arrested Soviet spy in court and then help the CIA facilitate an exchange of the spy for the Soviet captured American U2 spy plane pilot, Francis Gary Powers.

The Lives of Others (2006)

In 1983 East Berlin, dedicated Stasi officer Gerd Wiesler, doubting that a famous playwright is loyal to the Communist Party, receives approval to spy on the man and his actress-lover Christa-Maria. Wiesler becomes unexpectedly sympathetic to the couple, then faces conflicting loyalties when his superior takes a liking to Christa-Maria and orders Wiesler to get the playwright out of the way.

Good Bye, Lenin (2003)

This movie tells the story of an East-German family around the fall of the Iron Curtain. In 1990, to protect his fragile mother from a fatal shock after a long coma, a young man must keep her from learning that her beloved nation of East Germany as she knew it has disappeared.

The Swimmers (2022)

This film, which premiered at the Toronto Film Festival in September 2022, chronicles the journey of Yusra and Sara as they face terrifying situations while fleeing Syria’s war-torn capital Damascus to seek a new life in Europe.

Schindler’s List (1993)

This movie is based on the book Schindler’s Ark by Thomas Keneally (the book was later renamed Schindler’s List as well). The movie, adapted by Steven Zaillian and directed by Steven Spielberg, tells the story of Oskar Schindler, a German entrepreneur who was instrumental in saving the lives of over one thousand Polish Jews during the Holocaust. The title refers to a list of the names of 1,200 Jews whom Schindler hired to work in his factory and kept from being sent to the concentration camps.

Human Flow (2017)

Human Flow is a 2017 German documentary film co-produced and directed by Ai Weiwei about the current global refugee crisis. In the film the viewer is taken to over 20 countries to understand both the scale and the personal impact of this massive human migration.

Finite: The Climate of Change (2022)

In Germany, concerned citizens step forward to save an ancient forest from one of Europe’s largest coal mines. They form an unlikely alliance with a frustrated community in rural England who are forced into action to protect their homes from a new opencast coal mine. This documentary provides an inside view of the world of direct action: a raw and authentic insight into the battle between frontline communities, activists, and fossil fuel corporations.

Barricade (2022)

For over a year, the Dannenröder Forest in Germany was occupied by climate activists who lived in treehouses up to 30 meters high to protect it from clearing for a new motorway. The documentary BARRICADE follows and accompanies the activists when the last treehouses fell in the first week of December 2020.

No Hard Feelings (2020)

Parvis, the son of exiled Iranians, was caught shoplifting. He is sentenced to community service at a refugee shelter where he meets the siblings Banafshe and Amon, who have fled Iran. As a romantic attraction between Parvis and Amon grows, the fragile relationship between the three is put to the test.

Fire at Sea (2016)

Samuele is twelve. Like all boys of his age, he does not always enjoy going to school. He would much rather play with his slingshot. But his home island Lampedusa is not like other islands. This tiny speck of an island has become the face of the refugee crisis. Hundreds of thousands of migrants head for Lampedusa longing for peace and freedom, and yet, so often, only their dead bodies are pulled out of the water. Thus, every day the inhabitants of Lampedusa are bearing witness to the greatest humanitarian tragedy of our times. In this commentary-free documentary, Gianfranco Rosi watches the refugee crisis through the eyes of the locals on the Sicilian island Lampedusa.

Sun Alley (1999, Original Title: Sonnenallee)

A group of kids grow up on the short, wrong (east) side of the Sonnenallee in Berlin, right next to one of the few border crossings between East and West reserved for German citizens. The street and its inhabitants’ experience illustrate the absurdity of everyday life on the Sonnenallee and throughout the former East Germany.

Just Mercy (2019)

This movie tells the true story of lawyer Bryan Stevenson, who has been fighting for justice and against racism in the US for over 30 years. It explores the work of the young defense attorney and sheds light on the systemic racism and flaws within the US criminal justice system.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014 – Present)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is an American late-night talk and news satire television program hosted by comedian John Oliver. The half-hour-long show premiered in the end of April 2014 on HBO. The show takes a satirical look at news, politics, and current events on a weekly basis.

No Justice in the Shadows (2020)

In this virtual program, NYU Immigrant Rights Clinic co-director Alina Das offered her thoughts on U.S. immigration policy.

Documentary (2019): Right Wing Populists and the EU

2019 looks to be a good year for right-wing populists in Europe. Be it Italy, France, Hungary, Poland, or Germany, many European countries are experiencing a shift to the right. Right-wing populists are expected to make significant gains in the European Parliament elections this spring. Right-leaning party representatives have an agenda: they want to dismantle the European Union. Link on YouTube:

Documentary (2016): 13th

Combining archival footage with testimony from activists and scholars, director Ava DuVernay’s examination of the U.S. prison system looks at how the country’s history of racial inequality drives the high rate of incarceration in America. This piercing, Oscar-nominated film won Best Documentary at the Emmys, the BAFTAs and the NAACP Image Awards. Available on Netflix.

Documentary (2020): True Justice

For more than three decades, Alabama public interest attorney Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, has advocated on behalf of the poor, the incarcerated and the condemned, seeking to eradicate racial discrimination in the criminal justice system. An intimate portrait of this remarkable man, this film follows his struggle to create greater fairness in the system and shows how racial injustice emerged, evolved and continues to threaten the country, challenging viewers to confront it. Access it here:

TedTalk (2013): We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim, Lawrence Lessig 

There is a corruption at the heart of American politics, caused by the dependence of Congressional candidates on funding from the tiniest percentage of citizens. That’s the argument at the core of this blistering talk by legal scholar Lawrence Lessig. With rapid-fire visuals, he shows how the funding process weakens the Republic in the most fundamental way, and issues a rallying bipartisan cry that will resonate with many in the U.S. and beyond.


Neiman, Susan (2019): Learning from the Germans

Susan Neiman’s book explores how a country can come to terms with its historical wrongdoings. Neiman, who grew up as a white girl in the American South during the civil rights movement, is a Jewish woman who has spent much of her adult life in Berlin. She uses this unique perspective to combine philosophical reflection, personal history and conversations with both Americans and Germans who are grappling with the evils of their own national histories.

Tuvia Tenenbom (2011): I Sleep in Hitler’s Room: An American Jew Visits Germany

On the face of it, this book is a travelogue, a journal by a Jew from New York traveling in today’s Germany. But this is just part of the story, a little part of it. I Sleep in Hitler’s Room is also a book about modern anti-Semitism, about hate that refuses to disappear, about a disease that won’t get cured, and a curse that won’t let go. All told in the clearest of style and most amazing of humor. But this is not fiction. From beginning to end I Sleep in Hitler’s Room is a true tale, a tale about a country that created the Holocaust and a story about a continent that moves in the direction of creating another. The target group, as in the last round, is the same: the »Jews«.

Anne Frank (1952): The Diary of a Young Girl

One of the most famous accounts of living under the Nazi regime comes from the diary of a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl, Anne Frank. Edited by her father Otto H. Frank and German novelist Mirjam Pressler, this is a true story to be rediscovered by each new generation.

Christiane Felscherinow (2013): Zoo Station: The Story of Christiane F.

In 1978, Christiane F. testified against a man who had traded heroin for sex with teenage girls at Berlin’s notorious train station. In the course of that trial, Christiane F. became connected with two journalists, and over time they helped to turn her story—which begins with a dysfunctional but otherwise fairly normal childhood—into an acclaimed bestseller. Christiane F.’s rapid descent into heroin abuse and prostitution is shocking, but the boredom, the longing for acceptance, the thrilling risks, and even the musical obsessions that fill out the rest of Christiane’s existence will be familiar to every reader. Christiane F.’s Berlin is a strange and often terrifying place, but it’s also a place that remains closer than we might think.

Bernhard Schlink (1997): The Reader

When he falls ill on his way home from school, fifteen-year-old Michael Berg is rescued by Hanna, a woman twice his age. In time, she becomes his lover—then she inexplicably disappears. Years later, when Michael is studying law at the university, he is part of a seminar group attending one of the many belated Nazi war crime trials. He is shocked when he recognizes Hanna in the courtroom, on trial with a group of former concentration camp guards.

Alfred Döblin (1929): Berlin Alexanderplatz

Franz Biberkopf is back on the streets of Berlin. Determined to go straight after a stint in prison, he finds himself thwarted by an unpredictable external agency that looks an awful lot like fate. Cheated, humiliated, thrown from a moving car; embroiled in an underworld, Franz picks himself up over and over again – until one day, he is struck a monstrous blow which might just prove his final downfall. A dazzling collage of newspaper reports, Biblical stories, drinking songs and urban slang, Berlin Alexanderplatz is the great novel of Berlin life: inventing, styling, and recreating the city as reality and dream; mimicking its movements and rhythms; immortalizing its pubs, abattoirs, apartments and chaotic streets. From the gutter to the stars, this is the whole picture of the city.

Marion Kraft (2015): Children of Liberation

This volume was originally published in German in 2015, commemorating the end of World War II seventy years earlier and acknowledging the contribution of African American soldiers to Germany’s liberation from fascist rule. Using an interdisciplinary approach, it collects the voices of some of the descendants of these World War II heroes. In this volume, Black Germans of this post-war generation relate and analyze their experiences from various perspectives. Historical, political and research essays alongside life writing, interviews and literary texts form a kaleidoscope through which a new perspective on an almost forgotten part of German history and US American–German relationships is conveyed. The collection explores causes and consequences of racism in the past and in the present as well as developing strategies for achieving positive change.

Lucia Engombe (2009): Child No. 95

In her autobiography Child No. 95, Lucia Engombes describes how she was brought to the GDR in the 1970s as a child of SWAPO fighters, where she grew up and was then deported to Namibia, a country almost completely unknown to her, after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Fatma Aydemir and Hengameh Yaghoobifarah (2021): Your Homeland Is Our Nightmare

What does it mean to be asked to justify or defend your alleged ‘homeland’ or your family’s religious affiliation after every perceived crisis? After the NSU scandal, how much trust can we still place in the security apparatus of the German state? How does racism impact gender and sexuality? In fourteen personal essays, contemporary authors provide insight into their daily lives, extending a mirror to German society to reflect its lived realities: a country that markets itself as a model for progressive democracy while simultaneously designating a segment of its population as Other—perpetually failing to protect or value their lives.

Sharon Dodua Otoo (2023): Ada’s Room

A woman in 15th century West Africa named Ada buries her child and confronts a Portuguese enslaver. A woman in Victorian England named Ada Lovelace, a mathematical genius and computer programming pioneer, tries to hide her affair with Charles Dickens from her husband. A woman named Ada, imprisoned in a concentration camp at Mittelbau-Dora in 1945, will survive one more day in enforced prostitution. Connected by an unknown but sentient spirit, and a bracelet of fertility beads that each Ada encounters at a pivotal moment in her life, these women share a name and a purpose. As their interwoven narratives converge on a modern-day Ada, a young Ghanaian woman who finds herself pregnant, alone, in Berlin, searching for a home before her baby arrives, their shared spirit will find a way to help her break the vicious cycle of injustice.

Fatma Aydemir (2022): Djinns

Djinns, is a fast-paced and character-driven family saga set in Germany and Turkey at the end of the 20th century. Following the story of the Yilmaz family, a Turkish-Kurdish family who emigrated to Germany when the children were small, the novel touches on the themes of immigrant experiences, LGBTQ struggles, mental health, and grief. One week before he is due to retire, Hüseyin, a Turkish guest worker in Germany, dies of a heart attack, leaving his grieving wife and children behind. The novel focuses on each of these characters in turn, building up a complex portrait of a family torn apart by secrets and silence. In the process, each of these six characters brings their own perspective to the story of a migrant family in three generations.

Max Czollek (2023): De-Integrate!: A Jewish Survival Guide for the 21st Century

Rooted in sociological theory, this book offers an engaging and approachable critique of Germany’s much-lauded traditions of memory culture and Vergangenheitsbewältigung—its “successful” negotiation of its Nazi past. Although modern reunified Germany presents itself as having overcome historical trauma and integrated its now diverse, multicultural society, Czollek argues that this public image is merely a “Theater of Integration”: showcasing those minoritized stories to bolster Germany’s positive self-image while sidelining the true potential of the country’s radical diversity. Czollek posits that today’s German minorities must embrace their differences and “de-integrate” from mainstream society in order to counter the rise of rightwing nationalism.

Mithu Sanyal (2022): Identitti

Nivedita (a.k.a. Identitti), a well-known blogger and doctoral student is in awe of her supervisor—superstar postcolonial and race studies South-Asian professor Saraswati. But her life and sense of self are turned upside down when it emerges that Saraswati is actually white. Nivedita’s praise of her professor during a radio interview just hours before the news breaks—and before she learns the truth—calls into question her own reputation as a young activist. Following the uproar, Nivedita is forced to reflect on the key moments in her life, when she doubted her identity and her place in the world. As debates on the scandal rage on social media, blogs, and among her closest friends, Nivedita’s assumptions are called into question as she reconsiders the lessons she learned from her adored professor.

Kübra Gümüsay (2022): Speaking and Being

In this book, Kübra Gümüsay, a writer and activist fighting for equality, explores how language shapes our thinking and determines our politics. She shows how people become invisible as individuals when they are always seen as part of a group and the way those in the minority often have to expend energy cleaning up the messy thinking of others. But she also points to how we might shape conversations to allow for greater ambiguity and individuality, how arguments might happen in a space of learning and vulnerability without sacrificing principles – how we might all be able to speak freely.


DW Inside Europe

One-hour weekly news magazine that explores topical issues shaping the European continent.

Germany in Focus

Weekly look at biggest news stories in Germany.

Common Ground Berlin

The host, Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson, an award-winning international journalist and former NPR correspondent, discusses global issues, such as climate change, gender inequalities, and COVID as well as more local topics.

Day X (NY Times Podcast)

The mysterious story of a German soldier, a faked Syrian identity and a loaded gun in an airport bathroom cracks the door open to a network of far-right extremists inside the German military and the police. They are preparing for the day democracy collapses — a day they call Day X. But just how dangerous are they? It’s a story about national identity and reckoning, mirroring the story of Germany itself. And years later, it’s still unfolding — raising a question that democracies across the world are waking up to: What happens when the threat is coming from within?

The Political Scene

A political podcast by the New Yorker providing reporting, insight, and analysis of the most pressing political issues of our time.

The Daily

A daily news podcast produced by The New York Times, delving into a new current political topic in 20 to 30-minute episodes.

OK, America?

In this German podcast, journalists Klaus Brinkbäumer and Rieke Havertz discuss current debates in the US and the presidency of Joe Biden.

Slate Political Grabfest

Voted “Favorite Political Podcast” by Apple Podcasts listeners. Stephen Colbert says “Everybody should listen to the Slate Political Gabfest.” The Gabfest, featuring Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, and David Plotz, is the kind of informal and irreverent discussion Washington journalists have after hours over drinks. It covers three political topics in the week’s news. Each topic is discussed from various viewpoints, and the podcast runs about 40 minutes to an hour.

The Ezra Klein Show

Each Tuesday and Friday, Ezra Klein invites you into a conversation on something that matters. How do we address climate change if the political system fails to act? Has the logic of markets infiltrated too many aspects of our lives? What is the future of the Republican Party? What do psychedelics teach us about consciousness? What does sci-fi understand about our present that we miss? Can our food system be just to humans and animals alike?

America’s Choice

German podcast produced by the Aspen Institute Germany and the Atlantik-Brücke which focuses on political developments in the USA, the domestic and foreign policy priorities of the US government, and their impact on transatlantic relations.

Nice White Parents

A podcast about the American education system and the connection between race and access to education.

Vanguard at Dawn

A podcast on the history of race and white supremacy in the US and the ongoing entanglements of these complex ideologies in US society.

The Red Note

A 10-part podcast series examining the 30-year history of femicides in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.