Data Protection

Our privacy policy
We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and want you to feel comfortable and secure. We assure you that your data is handled in compliance with effective data protection regulations and that we have taken the technical and organizational measures required under data protection law.

In the following we have provided you with an overview of how Atlantik-Brücke e.V. processes your data.

The controller pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation is

Atlantik-Brücke e.V.
Am Kupfergraben 7
10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 2039830.

Please address your inquiries and concerns to:

Your data
We only collect, process, store, and use personal data if this is necessary to provide a service or if you provide the data voluntarily, e.g., by nominating someone for or applying to the NEW BRIDGE PROGRAM.

When you visit our website, our server regularly collects standard access data in so-called server log files. This data includes the URL of the accessed website, date and time of access, referrer URL and your web browser or operating system’s fingerprint. We only use this data for statistical analysis to help us run our business and for the purposes of maintaining website security and optimizing the user experience. This data is not personally identifiable. However, we reserve the right to check log files at a later date if there are substantiated grounds to suspect illegal use.

Your personal data is only disclosed to third parties if we are under a legal obligation to disclose it, if disclosure is necessary to execute a contract with you, or provide our services, or you have provided your explicit consent. All external service providers that we engage with are meticulously selected and have signed contracts with us. They are required to act in accordance with our instructions, and we regularly check up on them. These service providers will not disclose your data to third parties.

The data will be stored and deleted in compliance with legal requirements.

Data security
We have implemented technical and operational measures to protect your data against accidental or willful manipulation, loss, destruction, or access by unauthorized third parties. Our security measures are regularly reviewed and adapted to reflect technological progress. All of our employees have provided a written confidentiality undertaking.

This website has SSL encryption for security reasons, to protect transmissions of confidential content and to ensure that your data is optimally protected. When SSL encryption is enabled, third parties cannot intercept and read the data you send to us.

Your rights
You have the right, at any time and without charge, to obtain information about the personal data concerning you that we store, where we obtained the data, the recipients of the data, and the purposes of processing. You also have the right to the erasure of your personal data if you do not wish us to continue storing it, to the restriction of processing of your personal data, and to the rectification of inaccurate personal data. You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your data at any time without stating reasons.

Please address your inquiries and concerns to:

We use cookies on our website to help us enhance the user experience and make our website more efficient and secure. Cookies are text files containing information that enable us to identify repeat visitors for the duration of their visit to our website. They are stored on your computer’s hard disk and cause no damage to it. Most of the cookies we use are automatically deleted when you leave our website. Others are stored on your device until you delete them so that we can recognize your browser when you next visit our website. You can change your browser settings so that it informs you when cookies are sent, to block certain sites’ cookies, to block all cookies, or to automatically delete cookies when you close the browser. However, we would like to point out that if you do not allow cookies, you may not be able to use all the functions of this website to their full extent.
