Welcome to the NEW BRIDGE PROGRAM Application Portal!

New Bridge to Germany | Class of 2025

The New Bridge Program by Atlantik-Brücke e.V. is a fully funded transatlantic fellowship program for young professionals who are currently underrepresented in German-American relations. The program aims to renew and enrich transatlantic dialogue, ensuring it is more accessible.

The ten-day program enables young professionals from a variety of fields and regions in the United States to experience Europe first-hand, engage in an interdisciplinary exchange on transatlantic relations, discuss the rapid changes to societies on both continents, and cultivate meaningful and lasting personal and professional relationships. We look forward to welcoming diverse candidates from a variety of different fields, backgrounds, and regions within the U.S. who are not adequately represented in international dialogue, particularly those with little to no prior experience in Europe. This includes Black, Indigenous, and people of color, immigrant communities, people who belong to religious minorities, are part of the LGBTQIA+ community, come from rural areas, and/or who are marginalized in other ways.

This year’s program takes place from May 15 through 24 and begins with predeparture activities in Washington, D.C., where participants get to know one another and prepare for their trip to Belgium and Germany. While in Europe, the group will meet with high-ranking officials and decision-makers from critical sectors; visit key government, business, and cultural sites; and engage with European counterparts, both professionally and socially. Diverse cultural programming will round out the trip.

After completing the program, participants will be integrated into an active alumni community with additional events and opportunities for sustained exchange.

Flights, accommodation, meals, and program activities are fully covered by the program.

To be eligible, the following qualifications are required:

  • Age between 25 and 35 years.
  • Residence in the United States, eligibility to enter Germany and Belgium
  • Professional, academic, personal, or other achievements.
  • Openness to new experiences, interest in international relations, and willingness to
    actively participate in transatlantic discourse.

If you would like to be considered for the New Bridge Program, please apply by February 28. Participants are subsequently selected via a comprehensive process.

We would like to point out that we cannot guarantee full accessibility in public spaces, transportation, and accommodation. If you have any questions about accessibility, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are aware of this challenge and are seeking to find solutions to make the program more inclusive.

    Information about You

    Start-Ups & SMEsBig Companies (DAX etc.)Law & ConsultingCultureBanks & Financial InstitutionsGovernment & Gov-RelatedJournalism & MediaMilitary & Security AgenciesNon Profits & Think TanksScience & Universitiesother – please specify

    Hispanic or LatinoBlack or African AmericanAsian/Pacific AmericanNative AmericanWhiteother – please specify
